Keep Meditating
In awareness Be A Meditator meditateeveryday Meditatewithus meditation Meditational Experiences
Ana Pana Sati Stablises The Mind and resolves negativities
Keep Meditating
If we go down memory lane we would find, that there were some moments when we just felt like crying. A feeling of not being loved enough.
What we might have done at that moment? Why are we looking for love outside? Love is within ourselves. Search for it. Search for it by practising meditation regularly.
Meditation satisfies our need for love to heart and soul. Keep Meditating
In Abundance awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe
Be A Meditator- Treat the mind as you would a wailing child
How do we calm a wailing child? First of all, we try to meet the child's needs. If the need can not be met then we try to explain or try to focus his mind on something else. We should keep finding alternative solutions and not heap any judgement. Whenever our mind is behaving like a wailing child, try to calm it down by returning to our breath. Continue observing the breath. Keep Meditating
In Awareness Universe Be A Meditator compassion Love meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences
Be A Meditator- The sun of love and compassion, rises every morning in meditation
What is so special about morning meditation and how to do it? One way is to focus on our breath and clear our minds of worries. Generate awareness of the sensations of breathing. Notice the sensation around our hearts. We may feel a sense of warmth, openness, and tenderness. Continue to focus on our breath. imagine that we are extending a golden light that holds our warm feelings from the centre of our hearts, Imagine that golden light reaches out to our loved ones and the universe, bringing peace and happiness to everyone. keep Meditating
In awareness Be A Meditator Emotions meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Mindful meditation Positive thoughts Universe
Be A Meditator- Meditate to not get affected by changing emotions
Did you notice that whenever we are watching TV or a movie on a screen or computer or mobile phone, Scenes are projected on the screen in the form of moving pictures, but the moving images do not affect the screen? Life is also like a screen. Daily activities, emotions, and thoughts keep coming and going, but our body is not affected, only sometimes our minds get affected. meditation can help us to remain like a screen and not get affected by changing emotions. Keep Meditating
In awareness Be A Meditator medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe
Be A Meditator- Continue with your daily meditation
Do you want to start meditating? many of us want to do meditation because something is troubling us, and we are looking for quick relief. But when we start meditating a lot of thoughts pass through our minds. Sometimes we get tangled with some of them. meditation is not about turning off our minds. thoughts come and go. Meditation can teach us to get detached from passing thoughts and continue with our meditation. Keep Meditating
In Adventure awareness Be A Meditator Learning meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe
Be A Meditator- Meditate before an adventure or learning.
Many of us have a desire to go climbing mountains, sailing or river rafting. We may even aspire to go deep inside the jungles, searching for new trails. However, before we start our journey, many pros and cons cross our minds. Many a time, when we start the adventure, we can hear the pounding heart and pulse rate going high. But, if we meditate before starting an adventure, we will become calm and not worry about consequences.
It is observed that often at the end of the event, we get immense pleasure. The same is the case with learning. If we meditate before starting our lessons, it will register deep down in our minds. Meditation before an adventure or learning gives immense pleasure. Keep Meditating
In awareness Be A Meditator Breath meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe
Be A Meditator- Whenever side tracked make it a meditation
With a mind capable of thinking 50,000 thoughts a day. It is easy to get sidetracked, from the task at hand. Bring yourself back to the breath, and get intensely involved in it. continue to observe your breath. Keep Meditating
In Be A Meditator meditateeveryday meditation Meditational Experiences
Meditate to See the Real Person Within
In awareness Be A Meditator medi-buddies meditateeveryday Meditatewithus meditation Meditational Experiences
Meditation Sees Us Through all the tests
I may have created a reservoir of water over many years, but if I don't let it flow. It will overflow and spill and all the effort will go waste. In the same way, all knowledge we accumulated has to pass through a test.
Our Truth, Belief, Strength, and Knowledge, must pass through many tough tests. ( aag ke Dariya se ho ker guzarna parta Hai), before it can be acknowledged. Then what do we do to deal with this disappointment? Yes, one way is meditation.
Meditation sees us through all these tests. Keep meditating.