
In awareness Be A Meditator Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Meditation Requires us to be Committed and Dedicated

It is believed a meditator does not work for rewards, he selflessly goes on working towards his mission.
Gautam Buddha renounced his kingdom and all luxuries of life. He went out to seek answers to his questions which troubled him.
Maybe we don't want to become Buddha, but all of us want to reach somewhere. Meditation instils commitment and dedication.
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In Awareness Universe Be A Meditator medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences

Be A Meditator- Start imagining the best version of you

 Our life is shaped by our mind, We become what we think about most of the time, and that's the strangest secret. So start imagining the best version of you ever possible. Believe in it, breathe into it. Observe your breath regularly with beautiful thoughts.                                                                                                                                                                              Keep Meditating


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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Yes I Agree with Everything that Comes up in my Meditation

  When we close our eyes and start observing our breath to meditate. Intermittently various thoughts appear,  and many a time argument and counter-argument start within ourselves. The moment we become aware of arguments, we try to stop them. However, these thoughts come and go and we are not to get involved with them. So it is a good practice to say--                                                                                                                              " Yes I agree with everything that comes up in my practice"                                                                                                          Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator Breath Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Meditation peels away layers of unknown


As we continue to meditate the layers of the unknown start unfolding like peels of onion.
ultimately we reach the core. sometimes we need to relocate our center. Meditation helps in relocating it.
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In awareness Be A Meditator Celebrations Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Let Your Practice of Meditation be a Celebration of Life


Let your practice of meditation be a celebration of life. Meditation inculcates celebration. It is not a celebration for an hour or a day. It is for all times to come. Today will become history, so let your life be a history of the celebration.                                                                                                                                     
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Be A Meditator- We meditate with same breath


 The world is one. We all smile in the same language. We all meditate with the same breath. We all Inhale oxygen, purify blood and exhale carbon dioxide. But breath has a very important role to play in our lives. if we focus on our breath, we are able to unite our body with our thoughts, which brings us to the present moment. By the way, the present is the opposite of absences. If we are not in the present moment then we might be in thoughts of our past or future, absent from the present moment. Focus on breath and be in the present moment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Meditation is The Path From Stress to Peace

Meditation is the path from stress to peace. It changes our mindset, like a fish jumping from the net of a fisherman to the open sea. Earlier fish was jumping due to stress but after jumping into the sea it is calm and floating at peace.                                                                                                                                          
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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Stop, Pause, Look Around and Reflect

                                    STOP, PAUSE, LOOK AROUND AND REFLECT
You might have observed that some people have a busy schedule and feel as if they have been putting out fires all day. Numerous messages are awaiting to be replied to, too many meetings/ too many chores, and those long emails. They feel overwhelmed.                                                                                                       Consciously taking a moment to stop, take stock and reflect silently on what is happening can be quite an eye-opener. We can see more clearly, what drives us and what keeps us busy. Taking time to reflect allows us to notice our thoughts and feelings. We can then shift from reacting blindly to responding thoughtfully. We have to learn that pausing to reflect silently, although not a privilege is meditation.
                                                               Keep Meditating

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