In Awareness Universe Be A Meditator Love medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences
Be A Meditator- Give ourselves a permission to love ourselves
Let us give ourselves permission to love ourselves in spite of our flaws. Invariably we will start loving others as they are, resulting in immense peace within ourselves and around us. What can help us in achieving such a beautiful state? Start observing your breath regularly. Keep Meditating
In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe
Be A Meditator- Embrace emptiness with meditation
Once a large project or undertaking is over, it is natural to feel empty. It may happen after a major goal has been accomplished, or a long journey or a sudden reduction in responsibilities on retirement or when a child leaves for college. In such times, it is natural to feel empty and we generally fill this emptiness by turning to food, television, or other substitutes.
In awareness Be A Meditator Breath medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe
Be A Meditator- Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire
Be fearless in the pursuit of your goal. Some people reach their goal whereas some say that, they just fall short of their goal. To achieve anything foremost thing is a desire to achieve. Once you have taken the decision to go ahead, then you come across various paths, some paths are easy and others are tough. Be fearless in choosing your path, that sets your soul on fire. Observing your breath will make you strong enough to keep going on your path. Keep Meditating
In awareness Be A Meditator Deeper insight meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe
Be A Meditator- Meditation is quietening of human noise to gain deeper insight
'Meditation is quietening of human noise', so say all the revered teachers. When we start meditating, all physical activities are supposed to have stopped, and only the mind is active. Mind is very complex and very tricky. It makes simple things complicated. How can we get detached from the tricks of the mind? We can start with awareness. Awareness of every part of our body culminates in quietening of the mind. The body starts relaxing and we are no longer attached to the mind. Then we may see some miracles of awareness. That is without saying anything, without doing anything, it simply dissolves all that is negative in us into all that is beautiful. Like a wonderful opportunity to MEET a deeper insight. Keep meditating
In Awareness Universe Be A Meditator medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences
Be A Meditator- Give children something great to imitate
Children are great imitators. they often like to repeat what they have seen in the people who are special in their lives. A child's mind is like a clean slate, anything can be written on their slate. So, we as elders should give them something great like observing their breath. Observing breath regularly will make them good human beings, loving and caring. Keep Meditating
In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Positive thoughts Silence Universe
Be A Meditator- In the beginning of meditation, there will be small pools of silence.
One day my brother decided to start meditating. After the session, he shared his experience. He said there were hundreds of thoughts crossing his mind. So many forgotten incidents also appeared in his mind, and some were imaginary too. Every beginner is looking for a calm mind without any thoughts. Thoughtlessness doesn't come easily. there will be small pools of silence. Meditational practice is to be considered the most important activity of each day. Schedule it as we make an extremely important appointment and unfailingly we keep it. Like all other things, meditation takes practice, which is true for beginners and more advanced meditators alike. Keep Meditating
In Abundance awareness Be A Meditator medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe
Be A Meditator- send good thoughts to people immediately after meditation
The minutes immediately after meditation are the most important moments, because our thoughts can be at a higher vibration. During this time, we can set intentions and 'Metta' or loving-kindness is a beautiful practice of sending good thoughts to other people. It is an excellent way to end a meditation session. One of the thoughts can be, "may all beings be happy, may all beings be peaceful." as used by revered teacher S. N. Goenkaji. Practice meditation regularly. Keep Meditating
In awareness Be A Meditator compassion meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe
Be A Meditator- Embrace our worries, our fear, our anger
It's true, no one ever solved a situation by panicking. No one ever solved an issue by refusing to hear new answers, no one ever solved a problem by shutting himself. Anger fears and worries are nothing more than an outward expression of hurt and frustration created in our minds. If we can take charge of our minds, we can create blissfulness. Meditation can help us embrace our fears, anger, and worries. Keep Meditating
In awareness Be A Meditator Breath meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences mindfulness Thich Nhat Hanh Universe.
Be A Meditator- Thich Nhat Hanh birthday- 11 October
Thich Nhat Hanh was born on 11 October 1926 into a large family in the ancient imperial capital of central Vietnam. He was attracted to Buddhism from an early age. Later he became a Buddhist monk.
In awareness Be A Meditator medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe
Be A meditator- To love yourself start Meditating regularly
Have you ever caught your brain saying" why are you doing this?" Your brain has opinions. You are entitled to choosing yours.Choosing your opinion can be quite challenge, especially in the demanding world where perfection has been built as the cornerstone of survival. To survive peacefully and lovingly meditation comes to our aid. A regular meditation will guide us to love ourselves. Keep Meditating
In Be A Meditator Breath Breath Awareness medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe
Be A Meditator- Feel awesome.. become a breath nut
Feel awesome! one example of this emotion is that the moment we get into bed, we fall asleep and sleep right through the night, and wake up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. Also, an awesome feeling is when we are happy for no reason. We all want to be in such a wonderful state. Don't we?. How can we achieve this? The little girl in the infographic says, become a breath nut, means we should become eager to observe our breath. Observe your breath regularly. Keep Meditating
In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe