
In awareness Be A Meditator Intuition meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Meditate to Trust Your Inner Voice


 What is the inner voice?  It is a small voice that tells us, what to do when we feel lost. The inner voice is always there. It has both gentleness and clarity. It is easy to hear it but a challenge to follow it because in between so many ifs and not crop up. Meditate to trust your inner voice.                                                                                                                      Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator-Meditate with complete mindfulness


  Mindfulness is when we are truly there mind and body together. It is a basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we are doing. Even picking blooms and arranging them can become a meditative practice when done with complete mindfulness.                                                                                                                              Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- Be in the now moment deeply


 In the present-day scenario of uncertainty, there is a base level of anxiety and stress. One tends to get sucked into the past and the future which can leave us perpetually worn out and feeling out of touch with ourselves. So to be in the present moment we need to remain in conscious awareness. Take a plunge the moment opportunity appears. Meditate to remain in now moment deeply.                                                                                                                             Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences mindfulness Universe

Be A Meditator- My survival technique is mindful meditation


 We may come across situations in life when we feel that it is just impossible to survive. The girl in the infographic says her 'survival technique is mindful meditation'. When we are meditating mindfully we are directly experiencing through our senses, or via our thoughts and emotions, which bring us to the present moment. We are no longer affected by our surroundings. Regular practice of meditation helps us in developing the skill of mindfulness.                                                                                                                                                                                Keep Meditating                                                                                                                                                   

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Meditate to Conquer Negativity


 It is easy to become a victim of our circumstances and continue feeling sad, scared, or angry. Aim at dissolving your sadness, depression, loneliness, fear, anger, resentment, ego, and negativity which holds you back from becoming happy and strong. Meditate to overpower negativity.                                                                                                                Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Shakti Universe

This Navratri Meditate to Maximise Happiness, Health and Immunity

  This Navratri meditate to maximise happiness, good health and unity. Eliminate stress, anxiety, and depression. Enhance empathy, patience, and tolerance also learn to coexist. Observe your breath.                                                                                      Keep Meditating

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In Awareness Universe Be A Meditator medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences

Be A Meditator- I decide my vibe, once I tune into my breath

 Vibe high and magic around us will unfold. Once we start observing our breath, we will start attracting positive vibes. We can also decide what type of vibe we want. If we give out good energy we will attract more positivity in our life.                                                                                                                                                                                           Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator Intuition meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Meditate to Build Complete Trust and Obedience to the Intuitive Messages

  You might have observed that our mind is constantly receiving signals. whether we are deliberately thinking about a particular issue or not. Then sometimes an idea flashes through our mind. Who sends these messages? there is a universal intelligent, life force that exists within everyone and everything. It resides within each one of us as a deep wisdom, an inner knowing. We also call it intuition. Most of the time we do not give it much importance and try to reason out our own plans. Later sometimes we realize that the first thought which crossed our mind was a better option. Meditate to build complete trust and obedience to the intuitive messages one gets from the universe.                                                                                                                                            Keep Meditating

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In Acceptance awareness Be A Meditator Coexistence meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experience Peace Universe

Peace Begins with Joining Hands

 Can we have a free and peaceful world? Can we make the deserts bloom and man grow with greater dignity as a human being/ Yes, we can do it? We can bring peace and grace as a treasure to be offered to the world, but these gifts can bear fruit only when we live and work together in harmony. This makes it easier to contribute to building relations of respect and peaceful coexistence in the world. Coexistence empowers us to build bridges instead of walls. Yes, it does call for empathy and compassion towards others, which ultimately leads to peace. Hold hands and be together.                                                                                                                                      Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Simply be with any Experience that comes up during meditation

 During meditation, various thoughts appear. Any experience, positive or negative is temporary. The goal of meditation is not to seek experience, but to meet the unknown within.

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In awareness Be A Meditator medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- Meditation enhances creativity tremendously

 In his book, 'You Forever', Lobsang Rampa wrote that great artists are constantly in touch with their higher selves or ourselves. A quote from his book follows--

"Very highly intelligent men who get “inspiration” often obtain a message directly-consciously-from the ourselves. by way of the Silver Cord. Leonardo da Vinci was one of those who was constantly in touch with his Overself, and so he rated as a genius in almost everything that he did. Great artists or great musicians are those in touch with their Overself on perhaps one or two particular “lines,” and so they bask and compose “by inspiration” music or paintings which have been more or less dictated to them by the Greater Powers which control us."   

 Meditation sensitizes us to these perceptions and thereby our creativity tremendously.                                                                                                 Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Mindful meditation Present Moment Soul Steve Jobs Universe

Be A Meditator- We learnt a lot in these Nine years

We learned a lot ... in these 9 years

Another year of dedication has resulted in this day. On this day, 9 years ago, I created the first infographic. What an amazing journey it has been. Using only creativity and the amazing infrastructure the world has already created, we have been able to stand on our own feet. We have given life to many beautiful thoughts on meditation, made the world a little more beautiful and meditated with many more friends from around the planet. Here is to many more to come.                                                                                 

                                                    Keep Meditating                                                                                                         Saurabh and Team Be A Meditator                                                                                                                                                       

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In awareness Be A Meditator medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- Self awareness heightens our performance quotient


 We all believe that there is a dominant source of unlimited energy within us. The more we become aware of it the stronger we become. Anything done with a deep sense of awareness heightens our performance quotient. meditation establishes a connection with our self-awareness.                                                                                                                               keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator Empathy meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- You don't have to be dominated by your thoughts

 What happens in a boxing ring? How do the minds of boxers work? What are the thoughts dominating their minds? Most of the time the dominant thoughts could be,                                                                                                              " I have to win this bout. I have to knock him down."                                                  Many a time we hear/see a boxer's mouth and nose bleeding, a tooth broken, or shoulders dislocated. But do the boxers have similar feelings outside the ring? No! inside the ring subconscious mind dominates, which can not tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought. But the greatest force is derived from the power of thought. So do not let your thoughts dominate you. Regular meditation can help us keep a balance between thoughts and actions.                                                                                                                                                                              Keep Meditating 

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Silence Soul Universe

Be A Meditator- Mahatma Gandhi ( Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi)


 When we step out into the darkness, Initially it is totally dark, nothing is visible. As we continue to stay there, things become clearer. Similarly, when we stay in silence, preferably in a silent ambience, things within us become clearer. The inner silence develops with meditation. 
                                                  Keep Meditating.

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