
In Awareness Universe Be A Meditator Happiness meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences

Be A Meditator- Meditate to achieve blissfulness


 As children whenever we prayed, we said, Oh God give me knowledge, wisdom to perform my duties. But now after so many years, I noticed, everyone is talking about happiness, being happy, I want happiness in my life, and so on. What is this happiness? A little baby is very happy when he sees his mother. A little girl runs behind a butterfly to catch it and let go. So, maybe happiness is an outcome of achievements, whether small or big. It is also a feeling when we let go off sad things and accept only beautiful things. Expect happiness. Meditate to achieve happiness                                                                                                                          Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator Gratitude meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Positive thoughts Universe

Be A Meditator- Meditate and feed your mind with positive thoughts


 Our minds are a storehouse of all types of thoughts.  In our daily routine, we come across various situations. Some pleasant and some unpleasant. They keep echoing in our minds, many a time these thoughts disturb us too much. What can we do about it? Of course, meditate. However, to retain only positive thoughts in our minds, forgive and forget. When we look beyond ourselves only positivity glows in our minds. It can happen, try meditating over and over again.                                                                                                                                      Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

  Have we all realized our dreams? Are all our aspirations fulfilled? Maybe not. Some of us might have not made into doctors, engineers, IAS or reached the top of the ladder in various professions. But there are many noble aspects present in everyone, which we can see or feel when we meditate. It is like a sun hidden behind a cloud, which keeps giving us warmth. Meditation helps us to see better, the noble aspects present in everyone.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Keep meditating.

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- Focus on the solution and not on the problem


                                          Problems. Did you ever face problems in life?
 Everyone faces a problem some or other time in their life. Some people find solutions quickly, whereas for some people problems never end. As they try to solve the problem, it starts getting more complicated. Maybe we are trying to eliminate the causes of the problem and not working on solutions. Like, we cannot stop the rain, If we need to go out, then the solution is to take an umbrella or raincoat. Meditation helps us to focus on solutions and not on problems.                                                                                                                                                                         Keep meditating

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