
In Alertness Be A Meditator Breath Awareness meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Present Moment Universe

Be A Meditator-A Complete alertness is required to accomplish the unsurmountable.

 Some of us might have seen a person walking on a rope, live in a circus. Many precautions are taken, to protect the artist in action from any injury. But the person in the infographics is walking on a rope that is tied to two separate cliffs. in between, there is a valley that is hundreds of metres deep. Can the rope walker afford to get distracted even for a fraction of a second? No, he can't take chances, a complete alertness is required. In the same way, to accomplish the toughest task extreme alertness is required. Meditation can train our minds to be in, complete alertness.                                                                                                                                       Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator medi-buddies meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- Meditation Expands our awesomeness quotient

 'Awesome -- is a very common response for good or pleasing messages or pictures. Awesomeness is a state of being cool and happy all the time. Meditation expands our awesomeness quotient, where every day becomes a celebration. Meditate and celebrate your achievements.                                                                                                              Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- Meditation helps to bring energy to all walks of life.


 It is a well-known fact that meditation helps to enhance energy in our system. Does it happen with every meditator? As we keep practising meditation, the positive energy keeps growing slowly and steadily, which can be felt in due course of time.  Meditation helps to bring enhanced energy to health, family, friends, and the workplace.                                                                                                                                                                                    Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- Heal your mind, body and soul through colours



 A lot of us have grown up seeing black and white TV change to coloured TV, black and white pictures to coloured pictures Why do we prefer coloured things? Colours have a very important role to play in our life. Starting from growth and nourishment we need sunlight, which is a combination of seven rainbow colours with different energies. Chakras in our body are also associated with particular colours. To enhance the effectiveness of our chakras, some people might decorate their space with a specific colour or seek them out in nature. meditation makes it easier to receive this vibrational flow. Go out in nature and enjoy these colours or seek them within.                                                                                                                                                         Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator Himalayan meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe Yoga

Swami Veda Bharti Himalayan Yoga tradition

 Swami Veda Bharti was born on 24 Mar 1933 in Dehradun. His original name was Usharbudh Arya. He was a spiritual teacher of the Himalayan Tradition of Yoga. He is said to have taught the Patanjali's yoga sutras for the first time at the age of nine, and Vedas from the age of eleven. Before he became the closest student of his Guru Rama in 1968, he worked as a Sanskrit professor in the USA for many years. He continued his guru's tradition and travelled all over the world. As a spiritual director, he leads The Sadhana Mandir Trust in Rishikesh. He founded meditation centres in North America, Europe and South East Asia.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Keep Meditating

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In Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Soul Stillness Universe. Vibrations

Be A Meditator-Aura around your body

 We have often heard about the aura around our bodies. According to spiritual beliefs, an aura or human energy field is a coloured emanation said to enclose us. Scientifically heart-like brain generates a powerful electromagnetic field with each contraction extending outside the body. this electrical field can be measured in an electrocardiogram ( ECG). Can we feel the aura around our bodies? almost an imaginary thought. But during meditation, when the mind quiets down, we can feel our own heartbeat and blood circulation, also sensations on our skin. Our emotions and experiences are said to have an impact on our aura. If we spend more time focusing our attention on the aura, which is a portion of our divine self or soul we would feel less pain and hardship. Regular meditation can help us focus on our aura.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Keep Meditating                                                                                                                                                                              

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- When Negativity becomes Intense, cultivate deeper and intense awareness

Some harsh words spoken at the spur of the moment may suddenly change the entire environment. We may get a feeling that we are being attacked by negativity from all sides. We may even notice ourselves reacting even though we do not want to react. Do not allow negativity to draw your mind into more negativity. Observe each thought with sincerity and intensity until it passes.  Be aware. Be compassionate first with yourself and then with others. Allow the storm to pass.  
Deep awareness builds up over years of practice. Practice, not just sitting in meditation, but bringing awareness to each thing we do. Cultivate awareness in your day-to-day life and relationships.                                                                                          Keep Meditating


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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- Meditation brings peace with our karma


Karma is the action of body, mind, and speech, which causes suffering or happiness to us and others. 
When we meditate regularly we reach a state, where we can eliminate such actions that may cause suffering to us and others. When we do only those actions which bring happiness to all. this is being at peace with our Karma.                                                                                                             
               "When one is at peace with his karma, he sees beauty in all situations."                                                                                                       Keep Meditating

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In Be A Meditator beameditator

Find the meditator in this picture

Hint: He is sitting sideways from us. 

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- Pause ans listen to the music, don't let it pass by

   Life is like music, there are high notes and low notes. The question here is, are we paying attention to these ups and downs in music? If not, then music is passing by like any sound wave. Pause and listen to the music. Noticing high notes and low notes is awareness. Awareness is the basis of being alive in our body and soul. Awareness can be built up by regularly observing our breath.                                                                                                                        Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- Meditation is a gift that can benefit descendants

  We have observed that grandparents adore their grandchildren, to express their love and affection, some would buy expensive gifts. However, if elders make little kids sit with them for some time to observe their breath. This will be the best gift they can give to their descendants. As a result abilities like attention, self-regulation, focus, retention of information, creativity, and managing stress will set in their system unknowingly. The change will be visible after consistent practice.                                                                                                                 Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditation- Noises turn into background music


Sometimes, in certain places, when we start meditating. We become aware of the noise created by a ceiling fan, switching on and off of AC, Fridge, and other gadgets in the house. A honk-honk from the nearby street, the whistle of the wind, the rustle of the leaves. As we continue to listen to them. soon we drift into the world where these noises are there, but they don't disturb us. They carry on like background music.                                                                                                                                                                                                              Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Want to Know a good way to start Meditation?

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A meditator- Mountains are like Shiva In the state of deep Meditation

      We have heard a story of Samundra Manthan ( charming of the sea) in which Amrit (nectar) and vish ( poison) were generated. If the formation of vish was not contained then it would have destroyed everything around it. However, no one wanted to drink vish. Only Shiv courageous of all drank the vish, but he never let the vish go down his neck ( like today's coronavirus which we should not let go down below our neck). But by drinking vish a lot of heat was generated in Shiv's body. That is why a lot of water and milk is poured on Shiv's head. For the healing purpose, he used natural herbs like belpatra, dhatura, caster, and bhang. On Mahashivratri we remind ourselves of the medicinal use of herbs and meditation. Meditation heals us mentally. Shiv would go into deep meditation. Meditate like Shiv.                                                                               Keep Meditating                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- Meditate for destruction of illusion



      May the destruction of illusion begin with the dance of insight. Keep meditating to arouse insight and destroy the illusion.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Life is Rest- Meditation is Rest

                              Life is a physical effort, Meditation is a spiritual effort.
                                                             Keep Meditating

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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experience Recognise Reconnect Reignite Release Renew Revamp Revitalise Universe

7-R To maintain a balance between spiritual and material life


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In awareness Be A Meditator meditate everyday Meditate with us Meditational Experiences Universe

Be A Meditator- When life becomes meditative

 Whenever we talk or think about meditation, An image appears in our mind where an individual is sitting in the lotus position. This is the physical appearance of a meditator, There may be other activity going on in his body. The simplest form of meditation. Ana-Pana-Sati. ( Breathe in, breathe out and be one with it). But, breathing is a natural process, we can continue to observe our breath in any other position and anywhere. Maybe we can say that once we have voluntary control of respiratory muscles, our entire life becomes meditative. So to say that all the time we will keep receiving the benefits of meditation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Keep Meditating

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