In awareness beameditator meditateeveryday Meditatewithus meditation Meditational Experiences
Meditation is a Jump into Unknown
Many a time we come across people who say, "I want to meditate, but whenever I sit observing my breath with closed eyes. Tens of hundreds of thoughts cloud my mind. After sometimes I don't know whether I was still observing my breath. How is sitting in this meditational mudra and observing breath going to help me?"
All experienced meditators say, "It will help". Meditation is a jump into the unknown. something out of the blue may cross our mind and make us aware of ourselves.
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In awareness beameditator Happiness meditateeveryday Meditatewithus meditation Meditational Experiences
meditation assists us in expansion of Mind, ideas and human spirit
What is expansion of mind? Let us think, For example, nowadays we use GPS to drive our way to a particular destination. What happens when GPS stops working? We are stuck. Why, because, we have stopped looking at road signs. We hesitate to ask directions. To avoid such situations, we need to be more in tune with our surroundings. That is expansion of the mind.
To expand our mind is to start thinking about the world in a new way. Similarly, expanding ideas could mean looking at the same thing from different angles using, all our knowledge. Meditation assists us in expansion of mind, ideas and the human spirit.
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In awareness beameditator meditateeveryday Meditatewithus meditation Meditational Experiences
Life repeats our lessons till we learn them
Is it possible that the same person often gets stuck in a traffic jam or another person meets an unfriendly neighbour every time he shifts to a new house? Or sometimes we get stuck with the same person, who always finds faults in us.
We do come across such situations. Can there be a reason behind them? It is said that similar situations keep reoccurring in our life until we have learnt to handle them. What can help us to change our response to such situations? You guessed it right. Meditation can help us learn our lessons faster.
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In awareness beameditator meditateeveryday Meditatewithus meditation Meditational Experiences
The World of action is the best place to be aware
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