In Be A Meditator beameditator meditation
The beauty in everyday life becomes obvious to a meditative person
"As meditation increases the power of observation and presence, we notice more. While earlier we may have seen only a flower, now we see its petals, shades of color, shapes of it's petals and how it fits in its background. This makes the same world more beautiful." Try becoming more present with someone today ... see the difference
When they are younger, children consider their parent's words as absolute truth. A little child is completely dependent on it's parents for survival and love and nourishment. A child naturally follows in it's parents footsteps. If we really want children to succeed at meditation, we can set an example for them. Maybe even meditate together for a few minutes a day.
In beameditator medi-buddies meditation
The goal of all mindfulness activities is to prepare the mind for meditation
Well ... there are many indications that meditation (over long periods of time) provides many benefits, both physical as well as emotional and spiritual. And though we would like to claim that it is the answer to all problems, we feel - not yet. It depends a lot on the practitioner, how long they have meditated, how deep they go into their practice, what are the other conditions that affect them. The best idea is - this is great for long term growth. The results become obvious over multiple years. Till then, keep meditating and do not make drastic changes without referring to an expert.
3 things help a meditator gain wisdom of the soul.
1. Buddha or the development of wisdom, through meditation or studying the correct spiritual books.
2. Dhamma or applying our wisdom in our day to day life. This is the most important piece. Even a little amount of implementation is far more valuable than being able to recite long treatises on wisdom.
3. Sangha or keeping the company of people who are like-minded, who will lift up your soul and give you wholesome ideas, that will be of benefit to you.
Source: Nitu Chhajer Art.
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