I think here 'reason' means the complete presence of awareness in a given moment. I have read some other of Marcus Aurelius' works and get a feeling that his usage of the word reason (which itself is a translation of some word in latin) is different from our usage of it (as of 2015). It probly means 'present moment awareness' or 'complete attention' or 'calm focus'.
I think here 'reason' means the complete presence of awareness in a given moment. I have read some other of Marcus Aurelius' works and get a feeling that his usage of the word reason (which itself is a translation of some word in latin) is different from our usage of it (as of 2015). It probly means 'present moment awareness' or 'complete attention' or 'calm focus'.
The middle path is advantageous because it saves the energy needed to recover from constant swings between extremes. Taking it reduces pressure and increases momentum towards our goals.
In meditation, by remaining constant between the two extremes of in-breath and out-breath, we learn the middle path in a natural way.
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