
In awareness beameditator gateway medi-buddies meditateeveryday meditation meditationforchildren mindfulliving mindfulness mindfulnessmeditation presentmoment

Meditation Is The Gateway to the right path.

  We come across so many Zigsaw puzzles in kids' books, like Help the Rabbit to Reach the Carrot. Which is the lucky cat, who can reach the milk? Fly with the butterfly to the flower. Life is also a zigsaw puzzle of reaching the glowing gate. It is dark all around, and only one door is lit. But before we enter this gate, there are many questions in our minds. Should I enter through this door? It seems well-marked. It can’t be so easy. What is beyond this light? Peace, tranquillity or turmoil. We don’t know which path to take.            Meditation is the lit door, which shows the path, what lies beyond this gate is still unknown. Regular meditation helps us in getting ready to accept whatever comes our way and tread ahead.                                                                                                 Keep Meditating

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