
In awareness Be A Meditator beameditator

Meditation Makes us Selfless Volunteers

 One aspect of meditation is, that it makes us selfless volunteers. Some incidents might have taken place in everyone's life. When we were in need, and from the midst of a crowd, someone walked up to help us. We don't even know him or her, yet he or she helps, without any hesitation or expectation. Such people are rare. At times we also get an urge within us, " I want to be like them".
Mother Teresa was one such person. Born on 26 Aug 1910. Her childhood name was Agnes. Agnes was too pious from an early age and committed to charity. At the age of 18, she travelled to India to serve humanity. She looked after people, whom no one was prepared to take care of.  this led to the opening of her first home for dying hospices. and orphanages for abandoned children. Her work expanded to 130 countries. In 1979 she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize." for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress.
Quote-- " It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing.                                                            It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.
Meditation teaches us to love and give.
Meditation at certain levels can transform us completely One way can be to start deriving pleasure and satisfaction by helping others. Such a situation is a step towards a spiritual journey.                                                                                                         Keep Meditating

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